Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My first 5K

I'm not saying I'm awesome.  Well, I do have moments of awesomeness but it's not because I'm a runner.
As a matter of fact, I'd rather let the zombies have me than run from them.  Bad knees, big boobs, it's a terrible combination.  I did "do" a 5K though.  My first one.  I ran for a total of 103 seconds.  But...I started the run and finished the run on my own two legs so there's that.  I kept telling myself, "You made it through Disney.  Pretend Mickey is just around the corner.  Now, GO! GO!"   The part that was the hardest and more of an accomplishment is that I did something resembling anything.  Don't get the wrong idea about me. I'm not a couch potato.  I mean, I do things, I just have to be blasted out of the house.  That sounds bad too. I just love being at home.  I'm not a "I have to run around to seem busy" kind of gal.  My kids do activities like dance and sports and have friends they hang out with.  I don't have chips on my shirt and an empty Mt. Dew can at my feet. I really like my kids and my dogs and my husband and my house.  Gen pop, not so much.  I'm a photographer and the sessions with kids and families, I LOVE!!! So, it's not that I hate people. I think if I didn't worry so much about money or family drama (extended, always remember my little nuclear of a family is perfect) I'd enjoy "doing" a little more.  Well, that all makes me seem unlikable.  I'm not though. I'm very likable.  So here is me and my sister, who signed us up for the Graffiti Run to begin with.  I love to do digital scrapping and I'm trying to do my own version of Project Life.  Below is my Graffiti Run PL page. See, I'm enjoying myself. All the templates and digital supplies came from Sahlin Studio. You have to check them out.  They have great digital scrapbooking stuff!  
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